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Edito Files


Edito : 1

Edito : 2






It is always difficult for me to live fully and without sad thoughts, these festivals of end of the year; these days of jubilation where the meals gargantuesques are followed: as so tomorrow was likely not to be.

Every finds to them his in order to happy live these days which announce the new year. One cannot discuss this need that have people to find themselves around a good table and that is well!

But how not to hear and note the indecency of media information. Without any decency, our waves speak to us about misery, death, the restaurants of the heart and the meals been used for Paris in the "restaurants without heart" where happy the meal will be paid 2000 € : for more comprehension, we will speak in frank and will round with the lower frank we will speak about 15000Frs

How a journalist can, with the smile, pass, without transition, also easily of "Large puffs out" with the "Bad cold the hunger?"
That is shocking, “indecent”.

Know that Mister or Madam "Trucmuche" will give five times the R.M.I. for a meal, whereas the days which is announced is difficult for a great part of our fellow-citizens, that is shocking and wounding.

Misses and misters of information a little discretion! Decency! Be more human by pity! That which knows what will not boil in its pot does not require that it is pointed out unceasingly to him.
The delights for some, the wooden bowl for the others, I call me that of the provocation.

A sad and does not celebrate sentence allotted to Marie-Antoinette queen of France will finish in a blood bath. Its remarks were addressed to the people of Paris which burst hunger: " If they do not have bread, that one gives them brioche!"
Here with what make me think your infos of end of the year.

Why have to two France: that of in top and that of in bottom?

But in any event:
I will like for this year which comes, you to wish with all and all:
Peace, abundance and happiness.




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